Fotógrafo en Moscow, Moskva, Rusia

Second chance

Since childhood, we have been stuffing bumps, but we are moving on. We learn to walk, we fall, but we get up and try again. Growing up. And so, for example, we do not enter the institute. Someone does not give up and tries again, and someone does not make more attempts. And so in many ways. Some take life into their own hands, persistently strive to achieve goals, look for their own way, gain invaluable experience, stumble upon the misunderstanding of others, but despite this, they continue to go. "It didn't work out the first time, it will work out the second time!" - and they try further, act. And others find excuses, avoid responsibility, wait for the "X hour", do not believe in themselves, etc.

And what do you think, if it didn't work out on the first attempt, is it worth giving up?

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, strong half of humanity! Determination, resourcefulness, great achievements, courage and courage! Let there be no obstacles on your way that you could not overcome. Take care and love your family and friends! A peaceful sky over our heads for all of us!

Ph: @safronoviv_photo
Loc: @alfabank


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